
Titanium Aura - The Mental Alchemist (Copyright© Azita Kashani)

The Metaphysical qualities of Titanium Aura are very focused,
and carries a real Energetic "punch".
As all the Crystals in the "Aura" family, it is partly assisted into being through an Alchemical process, and therefore carries the Energy Signature of Alchemy (click here to jump down to a full description of the process).
This Originally meant turning Lead into Gold, but in Inner Alchemy, it means Transforming our Deepest Challenges into Strengths and Talents that become Pure Gold in our Lives.

Titanium Aura has a main component of Titanium
in its outer layer (as the name suggests), and has gorgeous rainbow colors on what appears to be a "dark backing".

This hints at the main Area of Alchemy that the Titanium Aura works on,
namely the area of Transmuting Mental Patterns and Beliefs that that don't serve us anymore (and maybe never have!).
These are generally Beliefs that are Currently in the Darkness of our Subconscious, only Glimpsed through the Areas in our Lives where we keep repeating the same unwanted patterns, and are stuck.

The Titanium Aura works like a Rainbow-bridge
to bring these Mental Patterns into the full-spectrum Light of our Consciousness, so we can Change and Transmute them into New and Empowering ones. We get the very best results when we also Actively work with replacing the Old Beliefs with New ones through tools like Affirmations and Coaching.

As the energy is so Powerful, I don't generally recommend using it both day and night, but advise you to choose one or the other. Otherwise, you risk ending up with a Headache - so give your body time to Integrate the Energies for best Results.

If you choose to use Titanium Aura in the daytime, I recommend fastening it to your Solar Plexus Chakra (The Solar Plexus/Plexus Solaris Nerve Center in Anatomical terms).
This is because the Solar Plexus Chakra (governing your Stomach, liver & kidney region) and the Pinneal Chakra (governing the region of your Brain and lower head) are what you call a "Chakra Pair", which means that they have a great connection to Each Other both Physically and Energetically.
If you are using it at night when you are sleeping, I recommend placing it under your pillow.

Care of the Titanium Aura Crystal:
If you want to Preserve the original condition of the Crystal as much as possible, it is better to not expose it to too much direct skin-contact, because of interaction with sweat and skin creams that can lessen or change the colors. Because of this, I usually put a bit of soft tissue around it, which does not block the Energy too much.
If you wish to fasten the Titanium Aura onto your body, use a couple of strips of medical-tape on top of the little bit of tissue. I recommend 3M Micropore, that generally is strong enough to hold it in place without damaging it, as well as being relatively gentle on the skin.
If you want to Get More out of Cleansing it, you can get access to my Advanced Purifying Method that also Intensifies and Enlarges its Field-Of-Impact by subscribing to my occasional newsletter Click Here.

How the Aura Family of Crystals are Co-Created:
The most widely known in this "Family" of Crystals are: Aqua Aura (Gold), Angel Aura (Silver & Platinum), Titanium Aura (Titanium) and Tangerine Aura (Iron).
The crystals in this family have gone through an Alchemical treatment:
Clear Quartz Crystals formed naturally in the Earth are put in a chamber and covered with metal salts such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, Titanium and Iron, as well as a few proprietary ingredients (that are therefore secret).
Then all the air is sucked out of the chamber to create a Vacuum, and lastly Intense Heat is applied - which causes an Ionic Binding between the outer layers of the Crystals and the Metals. This creates a Spectrum of Alchemical Energies that can really assist us in different Areas of our Lives.
So, although I am generally not a big fan of treating Crystals other than cleaning and heat-stabilizing, I think the Aura Crystals are an Exception to the Rule, and are Fabulous both to look at and to Work with!

Angel Aura - The Heavenly Healer (Copyright© Azita Kashani)

Angel Aura has two main components of Silver & Platinum
in its outer layer, and has what appears to be a beautiful Veil of Shimmering Pastel Colors on top of the Clear Crystal.

This points toward The Alchemical Energies of the Angel Aura Crystals,
which carry the Soft, healing vibrations of Unconditional Love - like the Angels do. When we connect with the Energy of Unconditional Love, and Immerse Ourselves in it, it Transforms us without Pushing or Force, but with something that resembles Melting.
It assists us to Let Go of our False Selves that are Fearful and Disempowered.
This makes Room for our Divine Essence to Emerge - the part of us that is Beautiful, Strong and Eternal.

Generally, this energy is so Soft that it can be used Unrestrictedly, but I still advise you to take breaks, both to let your Body Integrate the Energies, and to Purify the Crystals.

Angel Aura can really be placed on any part of the Physical Body, but it has the Highest Resonance with the Heart Chakra region (on the chest under the breast, up to the where the neck begins), as well as the Crown Chakra (on the Top of your Head, at the Center).
In addition, it also Harmonizes with two of the Transpersonal Chakras in our Light Bodies (outside our Physical Body), namely the Soul Star- and the Stellar Gateway Chakra, both placed above our head. 1
Practically, this means that you can wear it in the Daytime if you paste it on your Physical Body in the Heart Chakra region as described below in "Care of the Angel Aura".
If you are not busy doing other things, you can also place it/them in the Palm of your Hand(s) - as these function as channels that go up through your Arms and straight to your Heart.
In the evening or Nighttime you can place it in the same Heart Chakra Region while you are laying down meditating, or above your head in the region of the Soul Star or Stellar Gateway.  1 These are also very good placements if you are a Crystal Therapist, giving someone else a treatment.
NOTE: If you are using the Angel Aura(s) during Meditation, you can Amplify the Energy by connecting with the Angels - if this is something you feel Comfortable with. Although the different Angelic Beings carry different Spectrums of Energies, they all have in Common that they Embody Immense Love and Compassion for Humanity, and wish to Assist us.

Care of the Angel Aura Crystal:
If you want to Preserve the original condition of the Crystal as much as possible, it is better to not expose it to too much direct skin-contact, because of interaction with sweat and skin creams that can lessen or change the colors. Because of this, I usually put a bit of soft tissue around it, which does not block the Energy too much.
If you wish to fasten the Angel Aura onto your body, use a couple of strips of medical-tape on top of the little bit of tissue. I recommend 3M Micropore, that generally is strong enough to hold it in place without damaging it, as well as being relatively gentle on the skin.
If you want to Get More out of Cleansing it, you can get access to my Advanced Purifying Method that also Intensifies and Enlarges its Field-Of-Impact by subscribing to my occasional newsletter Click Here.

How the Aura Family of Crystals are Co-Created:
This is described in full at the end of the Titanium Aura Crystal, so click here to jump up to a full description of the process.

1. For Illustration and further description, see "The Crystalline Transmission, p.20-33" by Katrina Raphaell

Cleanse & Charge Power-Duo

Giving your Crystals an Advanced Cleanse and Charge will make all the difference,
when you want to use Crystals as support in your Life (via their metaphysical qualities).

There are many known ways to Cleanse Crystals - But some have more Power.
One of the most known and practiced methods of cleansing is putting the Crystals in saltwater.
But although saltwater can be efficient (for sure!), I generally don't recommend this method. Why?
- The first reason is that salt has a very grating quality, and draws out moisture, which can take away the luster and shine of many of your Crystals, particularly the more porous ones.
- The second reason is that I have deeply studied the many possible Methods of Cleansing to find out which ones work the best, by rating the results based on the purity of the energy + measuring the radius of the energy-field of the Crystals afterwards, which shows the Intensity of the Charge.
The method that works most Powerfully in most cases is one I have developed myself,
through combining the Power of Crystals and the Power of Flower Essences.
This helps you Access the Full Potential energy of the Crystals, as they are being Charged, as well as Cleansed.
This is one of the reasons why both my Crystal Therapy Clients and Students often are shocked at the difference they feel!

On Demand from Clients & Students I have therefore put together a Cleanse & Charge Power-Duo!
This Kit is dosage strength
(Created by me from Stock-bottles of Angelsword Essence from Australian Bush Flower Essences),
and contains:
- 1 bottle of Angelsword Essence Drops, 50ml
- 1 bottle of Angelsword Essence Spray, 30ml

If you are in Norway, you can also pay 450,- NOK via VIPPS, number: 96919071.
Included in this Kit is also a full Description of how to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals and Jewelry - including measurements and different Protocols for different Uses.

If you want this Description immediately, and/or in its Digital Version, you can Click Here to receive it - you will then also sign up for my occasional Newsletter (which you can unsubscribe and re-subscribe to anytime you like).